Go With The Flow - My Period Diary - #1

Period Diary: #1
20/09/2018 - 23/09/2018
4 Days
My PMS hit a week or so before my actual period hit, that made it very clear this months period was going to be fun. I had the biggest break out of spots for a long time, they are all over my face and I feel a bit gross because I have to wait for them to go away.

Day 1:
Day one of my period actually happened about halfway through the day whilst I was at work. I had been carrying around spare underwear for this reason, usually when I start I start fast and usually without warning. 

Day 2:
I had managed to leak on the bed sheets over night, this is always a sign I will be super heavy.
As predicted my period came on super heavy and of course the terrible cramps that followed were horrible. I suffer from very bad period pain and these were no different.

Day 3:
I might as well throw these cream sheets away if I can't get the stains out. I hate having periods sometimes!
The leakage came again despite my best efforts to stop from happening again. It was quite a heavy day but by evening my period has become very light though the cramps remained.

Day 4:
Day four starts okay with barely there bleeding, by the end of the day it has fully stopped. I did remain vigilant for another day because you know how your period can surprise you with another present you never wanted in the first place.
